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Definitely worth my time!





"I chose to try FFF Conditioning Club because my workout routine hit a plateau. I stopped seeing results from my daily workouts and...I was BORED.


I saw results with FFF after three workouts. Muscle tone began coming back in my arms and legs. By the fourth week I noticed my jeans and blouses were fitting better.


FFF has become a permanent part of my life. I have finally found a workout routine that keeps me motivated and interested. Each of the twelve exercises thoroughly challenge me and I like being able to adjust each exercise for different intensity levels.


My life is a marathon, not a sprint. FFF has taught me that fitness levels are a progression, and nobody becomes a lean machine overnight. I know if I stick with FFF, it will stick with me!


- Alison Herson, age 34, Susanville, CA. "

September 2010



Life-long Knowledge





I did Bruce's 5 week course late spring 2010.  What I got from his work-out was increased endurance, strength, and mobility.  But the most important thing I got from Bruce's program was the knowledge of how to make my own workout at home better and with no unnecessary equipment.  One of his goals is to have you understand how to use your own home, yard, or surrounding area as your own personal gym.  Well that was exactly what I learned to do!  I live outside Susanville on 2.5 acres, and have since transferred my backyard into an outdoor gym, with a running path and several functional exercise stations placed throughout, so I can continue to experience the benefits I learned in Bruce's "Ring O Fire".

The winter months, with the snow, make it harder to exercise, but I'm still able to find easy ways to mix up my exercise routine.  I have definitely noticed a difference in my endurance, strength, and mobility since I've learned how to give it all I got,exercising for just an hour- three times a week.



Mary Frederickson




Stronger and more Energized!






I've been working out with Bruce's "Ring O Fire" for just over five weeks and I am definately stronger, have more energy, have lost weight and inches, and I look forward to my work-outs.  Bruce makes me work harder than I would ever make myself workout; and this is what is working!!!!!!  I can testify that this workout WORKS!  I'm always anticipate the end of the session, because I know I'll feel sooooo much better!  Energized, oxygenated, cure for stree and depression, and we all know that exercise is a good mood elevator.

My husband has even commented that I have more energy and I'm healthier and happier.  After the first work-out I thought I was going to die...( I didn't realize how out of shape I was); but by the third one I was looking forward to doing the "Ring O Fire" and now I wouldn't miss them because they are so beneficial in many ways!.


~Sandy T.

fff conditioning club, outdoor circuit training
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